Heute früh hat Sugar sich telefonisch bei uns melden können. Wir haben ein kurzes Interview mit ihm geführt. Leider dürfen wir keine Tonaufnahmen machen und die Polizei war bei dem Anruf dabei. Obwohl er keine Privatsphäre hatte, hat Sugar seine Situation so gut es geht beschrieben. Das Interview ist auf Englisch geführt worden:
Josefa: Hey Sugar. Where are you? How are you?
Sugar: Im in the prison now, it´s not good, no it´s very bad. I´m not happy about the situation I´m in right now. I have headache everytime, I´m tired of all.
Josefa: How is the prison?
Sugar: Inside the prison it´s dirty. It´s not ok here. We are a lot of people, we have to wait everywhere and they don´t treat us right. No one here is fine, everyone is feeling bad and feeling big problems. All the people that are arrested are in the same situation as me. The most people are not criminals, some, but the most not.
I need freedom to be like all the other people outside in Austria. We all need Freedom.
Josefa: Did they tell you anything about your situation or what´s going on now?
Sugar: They didnt tell me anything, I dont know what will happen now. They bring me from Tirol in the morning I even did not know anything. I ask them a lot, but they say they don´t know. They are the autorities how they can´t know what will happen with me? They keep me inside and i dont know what to do or who to contact.
Josefa: The people who visit you, did they give you some information?
Sugar: Yes. Yesterday a friend came to me, she told they give me 5 years to stay in Austria and she told me that another friend has found a work for me.
Also she told me if I get out I will have a place to stay with another refugee person, that has a “Duldung” and I could begin to work. Later the people who support me will find a pace for my own private.
Josefa: What about the lawyer?
Sugar: He came a few days ago and said i should wait one week then he will come back and explain the rest to me. Until then he will find out more. He asked for “humanitäres Bleiberecht” for me.
Josefa: Is there anything else you want to say?
Sugar: Yes its really bad because I can´t contact my people and I haven´t even seen the internet site the people who support me made. I always need to ask the police if i can make a phone call and if they are good they say yes and the allow it. But not all the time. Sometimes not, with no reason.
They lock us in the room and they don´t let us out and make a phone call. We can only by once a week credits for the calls, when we don´t have anymore we have to wait. The isolate us.
Josefa: Thanks a lot for calling. We hope that you will be free soon!
Sugar: Yes, me too. I need to be free!